all postcodes in NN17 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN17 1AB 1 52.491398 -0.683841
NN17 1AD 10 52.4953 -0.686302
NN17 1AE 17 52.496668 -0.687308
NN17 1AF 0 52.493708 -0.686188
NN17 1AG 3 52.499424 -0.689392
NN17 1AH 28 0 52.500265 -0.690649
NN17 1AJ 14 1 52.496989 -0.688742
NN17 1AP 8 4 52.492191 -0.683361
NN17 1AQ 2 0 52.500293 -0.689941
NN17 1AR 37 1 52.4925 -0.681024
NN17 1AS 8 0 52.49244 -0.682175
NN17 1AT 9 1 52.491537 -0.680994
NN17 1AU 9 0 52.491545 -0.681657
NN17 1AW 1 1 52.492977 -0.682763
NN17 1AX 9 1 52.491619 -0.6827
NN17 1AY 20 14 52.491042 -0.683321
NN17 1AZ 65 0 52.495782 -0.68835
NN17 1BA 50 0 52.496548 -0.686073
NN17 1BB 48 0 52.4946 -0.685601
NN17 1BE 11 0 52.491886 -0.681602